The Students’ Representative Council (SRC) of Komenda College of Education, in collaboration with their College Management, has broken ground for the construction of an ultra-modern SRC Mall.
The ground-breaking ceremony for the project, which promises to transform the student experience and address several on-campus challenges, took place on December 18th, 2024.
Speaking to the media, the principal of the college, Very Rev. Prof. Kwesi Nkum Wilson, revealed that over the past five years, various SRC administrations have approached the college management with ideas for minor projects.
These projects, according him, have not had a lasting impact. Therefore, in one of their strategic meetings, it was collectively decided that a more enduring project was needed—one that would not only generate income for the SRC but also tackle numerous challenges faced by students on campus.
Hence, the concept of an SRC Mall was born and enthusiastically embraced by both the management and the student body.
"The idea of creating an SRC Mall is a result of our commitment to providing long-term solutions and sustainable development for our students," said the principal.
"We have seen many minor projects come and go, but this initiative promises to stand the test of time and benefit generations of students."
Speaking at the event, the immediate past SRC President, Emmanuel Addo, detailed the grand vision for the SRC Mall.
The project, once completed, will boast an array of facilities designed to meet the diverse needs of the college community.
These include:
• A banking hall
• A bookshop
• A salon
• A printing press
• A cafeteria
• A supermarket
In addition to these amenities, the CEO of Tin-AN Constructions, Mr. George Kofi Anderson, provided further insights into the scope of the project.
"This is a four-storey building that will also include an SRC Secretariat, a Conference Hall, stores for rental, and Hostels. We aim to commence construction early next year, assuming all things proceed as planned," he stated.
The principal noted that the SRC Mall project would be funded by the SRC, with each incoming batch of the SRC continuing the project until its completion.
"This project is designed to be a collaborative effort that spans multiple SRC administrations. Management will provide support as and when necessary to ensure its successful completion," the principal added.
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Prince Botwey, the current SRC President, expressed his unwavering support for the initiative.
"This project is a game-changer for our college. It demonstrates our commitment to leaving a lasting legacy and addressing the real needs of our students," Botwey remarked.
The groundbreaking ceremony was led by the Right Reverend Richardson Aboagye Andam, Bishop of the Methodist Church for the Cape Coast Diocese and the Council Chair of the college.
Right Reverend Andam expressed his gratitude to the SRC for undertaking such a monumental task.
"This project will significantly elevate the status of our college and provide much-needed facilities for our students. I commend the SRC for their vision and dedication," he said.
The SRC Mall project is poised to revolutionize student life at the college, providing essential services and fostering a sense of community on campus.

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