Håravfall är ett vanligt problem som påverkar både män och kvinnor i olika åldrar. För många som letar efter lösningar är Propecia receptfritt ett populärt alternativ, särskilt eftersom det kan hjälpa till att bromsa håravfall och stimulera ny hårväxt. Läkemedlet är känt för att vara effektivt vid behandling av androgen alopeci, en vanlig form av håravfall. Även om Propecia receptfritt verkar vara en enkel lösning, är det viktigt att förstå att det kan ha biverkningar, särskilt vid långvarig användning.


The Agriculture, Technical and Vocational Education and Training Department (ATVET) is one of the six (6) Departments in the Komenda College of Education responsible for skills Training and Education of the Student-teachers admitted into the College.

To provide relevant and quality Education and Training skills to enable ATVET Basic School teachers perform in the teaching of the following units: Agricultural Science, Home Economics, Technical Skills and Visual Arts.

To promote skills development through education and training of qualified Agriculture/Vocational/Technical skills teachers for the country.

B.Ed. Home Economics
B.Ed. Visual Arts
B.Ed. Technical
B.Ed. Agriculture

The entry requirements for admission to the new 4 -Year B.Ed. degree is as follows:

WASSCE Holders: CREDIT (A1-C6) in Six (6) subjects comprising Three (3) Core subjects, including English Language and Core Mathematics, and Three (3) Elective subjects relevant to the course of study.

SSSCE Holders: CREDIT (A-D) in Six (6) subjects comprising Three (3) Core subjects, including English Language and Core Mathematics, and Three (3) Elective subjects relevant to the course of study.

Holders of TVET Qualifications: CREDIT in Three Core subjects including English Language and Mathematics and PASSES in Three Elective subjects relevant to the course of study.

Candidate awaiting the MAY/JUNE WASSCE and NAPTEX RESULTS can also apply.

Student teachers are expected to accumulate a minimum of 165 credits. The student teacher must:
a. fully meet the National Teachers’ Standards (NTS)
b. achieve a minimum CGPA of 1.5 in all courses
c. successful completion of 168 days school experience (supported teaching in schools)